Training & Education of HALO Corporation
HALO instructors draw their experience from the Special Operations, Elite Law Enforcement, and Intelligence communities. HALO trains federal, military, and protective operations personnel in tactically challenging environments.
The HALO Corporation can provide custom curriculum tailored to a client's particular needs.
The HALO Corporation's training curriculum consists of these main areas:
Counter Terrorism
This set of courses provides the student with an in-depth look at the organizations that commit acts of terror, the methods they use and the types of counter measures available to defeat this threat.
Intelligence Operations
An understanding of intelligence operations is a key factor for any organization. Getting information, establishing trust, and preventing casualties are all key focuses of this series. Students will learn how to establish, apply, and maintain an independent and threat-oriented intelligence system.
Pre-Incident Planning and Detection
Proactive detection and response is key to any country or organization's safety and security. Learning about pre-incident indicators, threat mitigation and robust threat detection is a necessary and cost effective approach to defending a national or corporate interest.
Critical infrastructure Protection
As police and military targets become more security aware, terrorist organizations will start to focus on softer targets with huge potentials for public disruption. This series of courses covers identification and protection of these critical nodes and how to maintain continuity of business and government in a crisis.
Disaster Management and Response
This series of courses covers theory and practical techniques for application in natural or man-made disasters. The need for prior planning, communications and rapid coordination exists in both crisis environments. This series of courses prepares first responders and corporations for these events.
Tactical Operation Theory
This series of courses covers a wide range of police and military tactical operations.
Tactical Transportation and Platform Operations
This series of courses covers tactical operations on mobile and inaccessible platforms such as ship board and vehicle based.