Having to click on each and every Facebook friend can become tedious when you are trying to share a page, event or group. Is there a better way? Of course there is, just follow these easy steps. I have used this code myself several times for Anything Web You Can Imagine and Sabra’s Bass pages, a few of my friends’ events as well as A Macro Life – Macro Philosophy group on Facebook.
- Go to the group, event or page and click the suggest to/invite friends link.
- Once you see your friends’ pictures loaded, erase the current URL from the address bar of your browser.
- Click on the box below containing the code and copy/paste into the address bar of your browser and press enter.
- Depending on how many friends you have you may have to wait for a few seconds to see them all selected.
- Once you see them all highlighted, click the ‘send’ button on the Facebook invite window.
- Please keep in mind that also depending on how many friends you have, it may take a while for all of the invites to be sent. They get queued.